An update: On Tuesday afternoon my hard drive crashed. I´ve been procrastinating on typing up some retro blog posts, and now I´m wishing I´d done it earlier!
The tech guy at my school is going to try to install Linux because the computer´s shot to the point that reinstalling Windows doesn´t even seem to be working.
So until I figure out how to fix it or get a new netbook, my Internet access will be pretty limited.
Just thought I´d share.
In the meantime, in my new, computer-less life I´ve been pretty productive. My room is cleaner and more well organized than it´s been since I arrived, I made a scarf holder out of some yarn and an old paper towel holder, finished War of the Worlds, ironed and folded all of the clothes in my closet, polished my boots, went to the law library at one of the major universities in Madrid to study my Spanish grammar book for 4 hours, and went out for coffee with friends twice. I´ve also gone to the gym every weekday for the past 2 weeks, washed my dishes and my roommate´s dishes, painted and repainted my nails, watched some crappy programs like Room Raider, Parental Control, and Made on MTV, started a new book about the history of bullfighting, made lists of things to do without a computer and letters I should write, and slept for an average of 9-9.5 hrs every night.
We´ll see how the weekend goes...
Until next time.
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