jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

Off season? Maybe I could.....Make pins out of scrap fabric

I came across a glue gun in the basement a few days ago and have been trying it out a few mostly unsuccessful accessories. Since I had my coffee by myself this morning,I picked up my mom´s copy of Better Homes and Gardens (which I never read) and came across a page of DIY Christmas gifts inspired by Etsy. An 8 petal version of this gem caught my eye. Turned out to be the perfect fit for my budding glue gun interest and leftover fabric from last week´s scrubs project.

Time: approx 10 minutes
Materials: scrap fabric, compass to draw circles, spare button, pin back, hot glue gun
Cost: $0
Satisfaction: * * * *
What I learned: Hot glue works for SO MANY THINGS. Compulsively hoarding tiny pieces of scrap fabric can have a purpose after all. Don´t get rid of buttons. Sometimes a magazine with an uncompelling cover can have a good idea or two inside.

2 comentarios:

John Hill dijo...

You totally read Better Homes and Gardens every morning. You are basically already a suburban house-mom.

Kristen K dijo...

#yourejustjealous #burbs