Things here at the ranch are quiet. I've seen one person all day. Now that the guests and 2/3 of the staff have left, there's been a pretty drastic tempo change. Not bad, just a quick change. Three more staff left yesterday, so it is really bordering on being a ghost town.
In other news, I ran 8 miles today, the longest I've ever run. I felt like I was dragging at the end but averaged 10 minute miles throughout. Not bad.
Looks like I may make it through the Indy Mini Marathon on the 5th without croaking after all!
Before heading out, I read up on correct running posture. Which lead to a search on general posture tips. Here's an article I came across about posture while sitting at a computer. Evidently sitting in a chair puts about 400 pounds of pressure on your lower back. If only I'd paid attention to this back when I was a student....
For your reading and sitting pleasure:

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