domingo, 7 de abril de 2013


Last November on a road trip through NorCal, I bought three rhodonite beads from a crystal store to make necklaces for my mom, sister, and myself.

I've been holding on to the paper they gave me explaining its powers since then because I think it's interesting.  Today is the day to share it with the internet while decluttering the front of my fridge.

Whatever you think about crystals and their metaphysical properties, it made for a great necklace, and it seems there's much more to gain than there is to lose!

This stone is an emotional balancer that nurtures love and encourages the brotherhood of humanity.  It has the ability to show both sides of an issue.  It stimulates, clears, and activates the heart chakra.  It grounds energy, balances male and female aspects and helps one achieve one's highest potential.  It also enhances mantra-based meditations.  Rhodonite heals emotional shock and panic, giving supportive energy to the soul during traumatic experiences.  It promotes the energy of love.

  • Enhances the depth, clarity and meaning of experiences during meditation
  • Excellent stone for dream work
  • Helps one to understand one's purpose
  • Helps one to value on'es gifts and skills and to perfect them for the highest good
  • Excellent support for weight loss, detoxification and purification of the physical body
  • Useful to turn back insults and prevent retaliation, recognizing that revenge is self-destructive
  • Has a strong resonance with forgiveness
  • Assists in reconciliation after long-term pain and abuse
  • Useful for past-life healings
  • Clears away emotional wounds
  • Brings up for transmutation painful emotions that have been repressed
  • Associated with Archangels Metatron and Sandalphon
Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible.Cincinnati: Walking Stick Press, 2003.  Simmons, Robert, and Ahsian, Naisha.  The Book of Stones. East Montpelier: Heaven and Earth Publishing, 2005.  Virtue, Doreen, and Lukomski, Judith.  Crystal Therapy.Carlsbad: Hay House, 2005.

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