lunes, 29 de julio de 2013

Tips on Playing (the Harmonica) with Records and Other People

I am currently rekindling a relationship with my harmonica, which has been living in the front pouch of my ukulele case for two and a half years after an inspired purchase during a road trip through Valencia.

Just learned that one of the holes is not broken, as I suspected was the case since I bought it.  This video has dissolved my harmonica worries, so now I'm on to bigger and better things.  Like playing Kumbaya for people over the phone and checking out  How To Play Country & Western Harmonica by David Harp from the library.

If you're interested in some excellent advice on playing with other people, see the clip from his book below.  

Excerpt by David Harp -- Appendix C: Playing with Records and Other People; p 58-59

"I could easily devote an entire book to hints and tips on playing with other people.  But I'll just mention a few of the most important issues here.

  • Be honest about how experienced you are, before you start with people you don't know. 
  •  Don't play too much.  Let the other musicians ask you to play more, rather than to play less. 
  • Always know what key a song is going to be played in, before it starts.  When in doubt, ask the guitar player, or bass player.
  •  Let the other musicians know that you mostly play "three chord songs" (more professionally known as "1-4-5" songs).   If a song has complex chords, you may want to wait for an easier one. 
  •  Once you know the song key, make sure you have the right key harmonica to play in either first or second position.  Never try to "wing it" on the wrong key harp in public -- you'll be sorry!"

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