martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

A complaint and a thankful


I started my day today by waiting on hold for an hour and a half on an international call. I needed to set an appointment to renew my NIE card. (NIE = Numero de Identidad de Extranjeros = a card with an identity number for foreigners in Spain) Possibly the worst way to start a day.

If you're interested in hearing the music I had the privilege of listening to for 90 minutes, call +34 902 56 57 01. International phone call charges may apply.


After getting my appointment set, I went outside with a mug of coffee and sat on the back porch and remembered how much I love Indiana in the fall. The leaves haven't changed yet, but the stems of one or two have turned red, which means the rest of the tree will be following suit soon. It's chilly in the shade and warm in the sun, and there are tons of hummingbirds flitting about (my mom has two hummingbird feeders up on the back porch.) It's a beautiful day, and it's nice to be back in Indiana.

An beautiful day and afternoon adventure with Charise at
Flowing Well Park in Carmel, Indiana

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