miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

Cow Clinic

For one of the first times in my life, I felt confident in my technical riding today.  While I can't help wishing  I had experienced it earlier in my time here, I am glad to have spent this morning riding a wonderful horse named Babe out on the early morning Breakfast Ride and then in a cow clinic until lunch.

After only a few scattered times on trail rides and sitting in on riding clinics during my time here, I understand the concepts of turning, backing up, and moving forward, but when in a clinic setting, I have always felt self-conscious about how little I know.

Today I learned how to drive cows through a gate on horseback, practicing in the outdoor arena with 20 cows.  My horse was more responsive than other horses I've ridden, so I didn't have to cue anything very hard.  I don't like kicking a horse hard for it to move forward.  I don't like yanking on reins.  I prefer horses where I can use shifts in posture, gentler pressure, and purposeful reining for direction.

Babe was a dream come true.

I love driving cattle.  Who knew?

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