sábado, 29 de junio de 2013

Mini Culture Shock

As compared to rural Colorado, in suburban Indianapolis.....

1.  There is humidity.  Everything sticks to me including myself.  I miss mountain air, but my skin feels healthier. 
2.  Everything is so alive and green.  No risk of forest fires here! 
3.  IT'S SO FLAT! 
4. There are overweight people. 
5. In casual conversation, being outdoors is often referred to as an inconvenience rather than the purpose of living. 
6.  Likely as a result of #5, people wear much less "gear" and generally have less dirt on their clothes and possessions.   Yet they still all wear New Balance shoes.  
8.  People don't wave at each other from inside of cars as they drive by. 
7.  There are no cows crossing the road and no horses or hay bales anywhere. 
9.  Everyone drives a freshly washed, shiny car.  And next to no one drives a Subaru.

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